Knickernappies One Size diapers are our absolute favorite diaper. They are our workhorse diapers. We use them for everything: at home, out and about, at daycare, with sitters, overnight. Everything.
Delilah was a tiny little baby. (She still is!) She was born at 6 pounds and even when she hit 8 pounds (the lower end of the weight range for most one-size diapers) the FuzziBunz One Size
diapers we'd bought while I was pregnant weren't working for us. It was nearly impossible to get a good fit on her long, lean body, so we went on the search for a new one-size pocket diaper to replace the huge stash of FuzziBunz we'd bought.
We wanted One Size diapers because we felt they would be more economical in the long run. I had heard that side-snapping diapers were trimmer, and that they were usually a better fit for lean babies.
When I stumbled on Knickernappies on Simple Wonders Diapers, they seemed to fit the bill. They were the only one-size pocket diaper I've come across with side snaps. They're made in the US. They offer an option of micro-fiber or LoopyDo inserts. (LoopyDo inserts are an extremely absorbent micro-fiber/hemp combo insert that I highly recommend. We stuff with two LoopyDo inserts for a bullet-proof night-time solution!) They come in a rainbow of colors that I prefer to a lot of the too-bright or too-pastel for my tastes shades that many cloth diapers come in. I ordered a few to try and crossed my fingers.
When they arrived, it was time for the true test. Would they fit? Fully unsnapped, these diapers are enormous. With a weight range of 8-40 pounds, these diapers on their largest settings are quite likely the largest one-size you can get. Most one-size diapers top out at 35 pounds, and the rise is nowhere near as high as on the Knickernappies. (I've tried FuzziBunz, BumGenius, and Tweedlebugs personally.)
I was skeptical that a diaper so large would fit my little peanut, but lo an behold, they fit! Snapped down to the smallest rise, and at the tightest waist and hip snap settings, they fit my long lean baby like a dream. No leaks, no saggy wings, no falling down or off, they just fit. Nearly a year later, they still just fit, and are still in incredible shape for as much use as they've gotten.
Here is Delilah in a Knickernappies One Size diaper at 3 months, 5 months, and 14 months old:
At 14 months old, she's only on the second rise setting, with two settings (one more snap setting and then fully un-snapped) left to go. Even on her long torso, the second rise setting is still plenty high for her, so I'm confident the rise of these diapers will outlast her need for them. Rumor has it that with the side-snapping design, these also work well as trainers by removing the insert and fastening them just a tad less snug so that they can be pulled up and down like underpants. When we get to that stage, I'll report back on that!
These diapers generally retail for $18.95 each with micro-fiber inserts or $24.95 each with LoopyDo inserts. While this is on the high end of the price range for one-size pocket diapers, they are well worth it, and in my experience, out-perform any other pocket diaper I've tried. When I built my stash, I shopped around, and the package prices that Simple Wonders Diapers offers on Knickernappies are the best value I could find. Trust me, you will want more than one of these high-quality, high-performance, gorgeous, trim, versatile diapers! Simple Wonders also offers a guarantee; you can try one out and return it for a full refund if you don't love it.
Finally, The Winner of the Knickernappies One Size Diaper Giveaway from Simple Wonders is:
Comment # 138: newmama2010
Congratulations! I've e-mailed you for your information and preference on color and insert. Thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway!
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